Harmony House
Our landscaping is a work in progress, currently concentrating on the intial lawn and garden areas, with a natural habitat pond underway and space set aside for vegie gardens and a small orchard. Perhaps the best bit so far is our robot lawn mower! We can plant up as much lawn as we like without having to mow it. Read further through this page for more information on our aims, research, decisions and results, as well as our tips and advice summary, for this element of our project - the landscaping.
Many of our landscaping aims centre around living in a sustainable way and becoming more self-sufficient. The main aims include:
- A decent veggie garden and small fruit tree orchard.
- Some garden bed areas and nice spaces to enjoy the outdoors.
- A firepit area.
- A natural materials playground for the kids, to further provide engaging spaces to enjoy the outdoors.
- A natural pond habitat to encourage local birdlife and amphibians (preferably large enough to also be used as an extra water source for garden and orchard irrigation).
- For the remaining areas of the property to be nicely grassed and accessible, preferably self-maintained due to the large areas involved.
Lots of time and hard work involved in the above list, but a really nice creative endeavour too. Click below for some of the landscaping sections either done or currently in progress, with other sections to be added as they come together.